the correct capitalization is “mathNEWS”.
Love is in the air!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Ignore your calendar that says it was 2 days ago. Valentine’s Day doesn’t start until we say it starts.
mathNEWS-chan Makes A New Friend
Please give me more excess funds, MathSoc-chan…
Back In Action
Please give me a snow day, Mr. Goose…
Can you hear it coming?
… that’s the sound of a thousand stressed students writing a final in PAC 😃
Good luck, everyone.
Same Great Paper Taste
Well, for the print copy at least. No guarantees on the PDF.
tfw it’s November
Time for the holiday cheer to begin! Christmas is basically right around the corner…
mathnewsmain-pc is dead…
long live mathnewsmain-pc*!
*the name on the cover may or may not be wrong, and actually, the new PC’s name is blackBOX ^-^
Just In Time…
for reading week! Enjoy the issue 🙂
Breaking News
It’s been a tough political climate this week at mathNEWS HQ, all documented in this issue:
- Protests breaking out in B1 271
- Infighting between writers
- Breached non-disclosure agreements
- “None pizza” sect revolts