Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen

And just like that, another term of the Most Important University Publication Ever comes to an end. We know you have many choices for your content, so we’d like to thank you for reading with us.

Enjoy this week’s issue! It is 36 pages long, and proof that you can have both quantity and quality.


mathNEWS 145.4 patch notes

Early Pi Day release!


  • Completely changed all the articles from the last issue
  • mastHEAD now makes use of all four levels of emphasis
  • Increased number of images present in issue
  • Installed new gridWORD
  • Updated blackBOXES
  • General bug fixes and stability improvements

Upgrade to the latest release here: mathNEWS 145-4

Waterloo's Bastion of Erudite Thought