Another image-heavy one for you guys, but unlike last time, no Google Drive needed.
Thanks to terrifiED, we’ve bent time and space to fit this issue onto our website.
If only we could apply this technology to extend assignment deadlines.
Another image-heavy one for you guys, but unlike last time, no Google Drive needed.
Thanks to terrifiED, we’ve bent time and space to fit this issue onto our website.
If only we could apply this technology to extend assignment deadlines.
Day 661:
Yesterday I woke up in the afternoon after a long tiring night. The day went by pretty quickly — I hardly had enough time to finish up layout for this week’s issue of mathNEWS. Maybe when I look at it tomorrow, I’ll see all the mistakes that I missed. Well, I guess it’ll be okay, as long as it’s not as bad as V141i5… *shudders*.
If, like me, you’re allergic, may I recommend this certified peanut-free issue of mathNEWS?
And the goslings are starting to grow up. I wonder if the geese miss us… ?
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We are suspending all events that are not vital to the journalistic mission of mathNEWS.
Posting of issues online is considered vital to the academic mission of mathNEWS and will continue.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
If you don’t have one already, how about a date with this week’s issue of mathNEWS?
Our issue was too T H I Q Q to host on wordpress, so here’s a google drive link I guess.
It’s a new mathNEWS?!