Category Archives: backissues

We all wish we were in first year again

It’s a new term, and after seeing all the wee little young’uns wandering around campus, I guess some of us can’t help but feel a little nostalgic.

What I mean by this is that several people have demanded to see the orientation issue we made this year, i.e. the issue that’s basically just information for first years that everyone else already knows. But the people have spoken so, uh, here you go I guess.

mathNEWS 138-0

Another term, another struggle

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new term, full of hopes and promises mingled with struggles and tears. We hope that the inaugural issue of mathNEWS gives you a nice pick-me-up before school becomes even more stressful.

Have a fantastic long weekend, everyone!

P.S. Props if you caught the Biggie reference.

mathNEWS 137.1