At least if you get your weather app to display temperatures in Fahrenheit and interpret that as Celsius, you can pretend you’re on vacation instead of in school.
Category Archives: backissues
We’re back!
… only to return with this term’s last issue.
The publication timing is a bit awkward here, but an issue is better than no issue, right?
Have a good exam season, and if they’re not good, at least they’re going!
Dream of greener pastures, my friends.
mathNEWS 139-6
The last mathNEWS issue ever (possibly)
Dear readers,
I regret to inform you that the title might be unfortunately true. I am writing this in a hurry to escape whatever or whomever is following me. I am currently in a safe spot, but I cannot be sure it will be safe in any given minute. I cannot reveal where I am either, for this is the safe spot for all editors, and I cannot risk our safety.
We thought that it would be a harmless April Fools joke, but some organizations have been deeply offended by our “act”, and have come for us in swooping vengeance. They haven’t caught us yet but I can’t be sure since my phone ran out of battery and the internet is down and all our pigeons are dead. OH GOD!
Please, readers, spread the word; we will NOT be silenc
Happy belated π day, y’all
May your pie piece (or slice) be as delicious as the math homework you complete before the day it’s due. The free slice (or piece) of pie may be finitely eaten, but may the wondrous taste of your devoured beloved linger in your memory infinitely like the digits of π.
… Until the next pie slice, that is.
u hav been visited by the piper of mc 3030
good (math)NEWS n 2 frens will com 2 u
It’s not a GF/BF but it’s pretty close
Here’s a nice, T H I C C hunny for you this lonely and dumplingless Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year.
May you be blessed with (more) love, school closures and Father Jao memes this year.
Wir sind die Maths-Maschine
Take break from math, you math machines, and pick up mathNEWS instead. It’s too early in the term to work hard.
So long 2018!
That’s it. The last issue of the term, and the year. Best of luck on exams, and try not to let the weather get to you too much.
An absolute unit of an issue
And I thought issue 1 was long…
CS 135 owes us
This week is a somber one, as we have a mere 20-page issue due to CS 135 kidnapping all our writers. The mathNEWS editorial team offers its most humble of apologies, and pray that the great and merciful students of UW will find it in their hearts to forgive us for this.
(No, the joke will never be beaten into the ground enough)