Good luck with finals, and have a great break everyone!
Except those who voted for the charcoal “pizza”.
Good luck with finals, and have a great break everyone!
Except those who voted for the charcoal “pizza”.
I also can’t believe none of the other editors know who Aphex Twin is…
You can really taste the midterm stress in these articles. No, wait. That’s the ink. You can really taste the ink in these articles.
“… I think if you made a meal in there, it would be evil.”
— abstractED
Try not to trip over them on your way to pick up this issue. I hear their parents get pissed if you do that.
do you get it do you get it do you get it do y
Read our press release here:
What? Not a fan of anchovies?
Oh, don’t worry, the Ghost of mathNEWS Editor does it at precisely midnight, right when they’re putting the issues on the stands.
the correct capitalization is “mathNEWS”.