And I thought issue 1 was long…
CS 135 owes us
This week is a somber one, as we have a mere 20-page issue due to CS 135 kidnapping all our writers. The mathNEWS editorial team offers its most humble of apologies, and pray that the great and merciful students of UW will find it in their hearts to forgive us for this.
(No, the joke will never be beaten into the ground enough)
Last week the mathNEWS editors sent the issue off for printing, gleeful to be finally done the issue, but forgot completely to post the issue to the website.
Sorry about that.
Something something Trojan horse
It’s Thanksgiving weekend and I don’t feel like spending the time to come up with a clever joke.
Have a good fall reading week, and don’t forget to be thankful for mathNEWS.
Not the 0th edition
… but it is our first official edition of the fall term.
Have a great one, and we’ll see you soon.
We all wish we were in first year again
It’s a new term, and after seeing all the wee little young’uns wandering around campus, I guess some of us can’t help but feel a little nostalgic.
What I mean by this is that several people have demanded to see the orientation issue we made this year, i.e. the issue that’s basically just information for first years that everyone else already knows. But the people have spoken so, uh, here you go I guess.
Good luck on finals!
Though we might wish it otherwise, this is the last issue of mathNEWS for Spring 2018. Best of luck to all on your finals, and remember: reading mathNEWS instead of studying isn’t procrastination. It’s studying the things in life that actually matter.
mathNEWS, brought to you by tachyons
It is a rare occurrence when an issue of mathNEWS is uploaded to the site on time, but an issue uploaded before its publication date? Clearly all of physics will have to be overturned to explain this bewildering event.
The Hard-Working Canadian Beaver
… obviously wasn’t in charge of posting this issue, because he would have uploaded it on time. Your esteemed editors were partying hard all long weekend instead. Oh well, late is the new early, right?
An exciting development.